European Band Tour

In highschool I played the trumpet in our band, jazzband, and honor band. I as nominated to go on the _________ . We were able to travel to 7 countries within Europe all while playing our intstruments.

We first arrived in England and started our journey off right away with a trip to the Windsor castle. We were then taken to our hotel in London. After touring London and doing our show we moved on to France. I thought I was going to love Paris but it turned out to be ______________________________ . We then moved on to my most favorite country, Switzerland. This country was so peaceful and everyone was so kind and helpful that I hope to one day go back or even possibly move there.

We then moved on to Austria, where we got to go to Swarovski's and see a giant __________________ , it was breathtakingly beautiful. We then got to travel to one of the richest but smallest countries in Europe, Lichtenstein. We tried the Goulash and it was by far the best goulash I had ever had in my life. We then moved on to Germany, we went to __________________ and that is something that will never leave me. We then took a day trip to Venice and got to spend the day watching glass get blown and feed the pigeons before it became outlawed.